Announcement of HYCON Token (ERC-20) Integration

1 min readMay 17, 2021


HYCON Token(ERC-20) swap will be integrated.

Mainnet HYCON and HYCON Token(ERC-20) that have been operated together since Nov. ’19 will be integrated as follows.

[Before] Mainnet HYCON & HYCON Token(ERC-20) : Run together
[After] Only HYCON Token(ERC-20) will be run
[Date of Execution] Differ by the exchange and pokiit platform

HYCON Token(ERC-20) is issued in November, ’19 and 5 billion were issued as Mainnet HYCON was.
It can be exchanged on a one-for-one basis, which means there’s no changes in the volume of token issued.
Existing Mainnet HYCON buyer can swap on a one-for-one basis.
(Example: 1 million of Mainnet HYCON → 1 million of HYCON Token(ERC-20))

If you have Mainnet HYCON owned by OKEX, your Mainnet HYCON will be automatically swapped for HYCON Token(ERC-20).
If you have Mainnet HYCON owned by the pokiit platform, you should manually swap.
If you have personal pokiit, please make a deposit to the pokiit platform to swap.

※ HYCON Token(ERC-20) Contract : 0x07c9eEFd9059381144265600d3Cbf4974312861b

All HYCON Token(ERC-20) swap helps to unify the HYCON transaction support from each exchange and provide environment where enables to build up various service.




Written by Team HYCON

We are the HYCON Cryptocurrency Team

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